Space DogS
Somewhere near Mars
The proximity alarm blared out. Secundus was in the lounge and rushed to a porthole to look at the approaching ship. His other instinct was to grab the nearest handhold and increase the grip on his magnetic boots. The ship did not have any distinguishing features or coloration. It could only be discerned by its movement in front of the background stars. If he squinted he could make out some very faint lights. This was not how ships traditionally travelled when approaching. Ships needed to illuminate themselves to avoid collisions. At speed the brightly illuminated hulls, were an additional guide to nearby pilots so they could take evasive action if the flight plans converged. Jim pressed a nearby comms panel.
“This is Jim. What is that fool doing?”
Bailout’s voice came back over the comm. “Hold on Captain, I’ve already been asking. This is Nimbus to approaching vessel. You are approaching on vector 56,120 relative mach 2. You are on a collision course.” Bailout opened the comm to the whole ship. “Crew brace for evasive motion.”
Secundus held tightly to the handhold with both hands bracing for what was to come. The ship lurched upwards and to the side. The ships dimly lit exterior rushed past the porthole. Bailout was a great pilot who had served during the Mars wars. Secundus ndus decreased the magnetic pull on his boots so he could make his way to the bridge. Secundus moved from handhold to handhold until the ship steadied itself. Secundus then rushed to the bridge. Bailout looked up from the navigation chair and seemed a bit panicky.
“What?” asked Secundus .
“The ship blew thrusters as we swerved matching our velocity.”
A large clanking sound vibrated through the ship.
“I think we are being boarded.”
Secundus nodded. “Silent alarm”
Bailout pressed a button. The lights dimmed and emitted a slightly yellow glow. This was an indicator to the crew to bare arms.
Secundus went to the weapons locker and pulled out a launcher. The launcher fires small concussion rounds that had a small blast radius which did not damage the ship too much, but made a mess of anything in the centre of the explosion. Bailout picked a sniper rifle and a pistol. Even in the 22nd century weapons had hardly changed.
“Where did they attach?” asked Secundus .
“Cargo bay.”
“Figures. Ok. If they think they can grab and run then they are wrong. Fire the grapple hooks.”
Bailout pressed the commands on the control panel. The ship juddered as the hooks deployed. It will take them a few hours to burn those off.
“Oh look Captain. They suddenly want to talk.Robert appeared in the doorway. He was the ship's medic and had also served in the Mars wars as a marine. He was already in his full battle gear.
“What’s the plan of action Captain?”
Bailout looked at the panel. "Gabbs and Fiddles are in engineering. That’s weird I can’t locate Korky.”
“Open an encrypted channel. “ asked Secundus .
“Done” nodded Bailout.
“Korky what is your status?”
A few seconds passed then a whisper came through. “Took the long way around. I am outside our attached friend. Just putting down some explosives on their fuel tanks. Making my way back now.”
“She’s quick.” said Robert.
Jim looked at Bailout and Robert and smiled. “Looks like our friends are about to lose some element of surprise.”