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Space Dogs Timeline


1969 First man on the Moon

1972 Last manned mission on the Moon

2002 Space X - First commercial Corporation established

2004 Nasa lands Mars Rovers on the Moon

2012 Space X delivers to the ISS - start of many commercial deliveries

2013 Nasa lands Curiosity Science Laboratory on the Mars

2013 China lands Jade Rabbit rover on the Moon

2014 Scientists discover blood rejuvenation effects on mice

2014 First successful landing on a comet.

2014 Mars Rover finds evidence of vast lakes on Mars

2015 New Horizons flew past Pluto, Charon and explores Kuiper belt. Thousands of dwarf planets found in the Kuiper belt.

2016 Deep Space Probe Into Jupiter - Juno Mission


2030 China lands manned mission to Moon

2031 Scientists adapt blood rejuvenation for human use. Rainbow Skies Pharmaceuticals (RSP) is formed who specialise in longevity and genetic enhancements.

2032 China establishes Moon base. 

2034 First commercial manned one way flight to Mars. First colonists on Mars. Base is called Eden

2035 China launches manned flight to Mars

2036 China starts to establish their own Base near Eden called Chin.

2038 Chin comes to the aid of Eden after a meteorite takes out the hydroponics lab and damages the solar power plant. The bases share resources.

2039 Supplies arrive from Earth with second wave of colonists. Eden is repaired and becomes self sufficient again. Eden returns borrowed goods like for like.

2043 Both colonises have expanded. Chin suffers a viral outbreak. 25% of colonists are killed within 48 hours. Chin requests aid from Eden. Eden refuses. A Small number of Chin colonists leave to go to Eden. After 1 week quarantine in space vehicles - Eden still refuses entry. Colonists return to Chin to find remainder of colonists dead. Outbreak seems to have stopped. Relations between colonies and representatives at home sour. 

2045 Supplies and a new wave of Chinese colonists arrive at Chin. The team includes microbiologists to try and establish the cause of the outbreak. No report on the outbreak is ever released.

2050 The People's Republic Form from an agreement between Russia and China. A larger Mars base is planned.

2051 The Eurasian Union and Federal Government form a joint agreement as a response to the People's Republic

2052 Mini Space Race.  The People's Republic, Eurasian Union and Federal Government set up many small colonies on Mars each with ‘claimed’ territories. Robots are used to establish large walls to protect the claimed areas. The walls protect the colonists against the storms that periodically occur and can sustain a gaseous environment within.

2052 First Full Body Transplant (FBT), extracting the brain into a previously dead donor. RSP who pioneered the anti rejection drugs which  was paid for by the Exa-Transhumanist Movement (XH+)

2053 The Federal Government deploys a nano virus that attacks the walls of neighbouring areas. In some areas, The Federal Government  build walls within others territories and expand their own area.

2054 Battle of the lawyers. Claims are reestablished in courts using satellite images. This is disputed as ‘forged’ and claims ignored.

2055-58 UN steps in reluctantly. After several years of negotiation. Claims are consolidated into 3 main areas. A no-man's land between all territories is set up under the control of the UN. All three sides lose more land than they started with. The U.N. establish listening and observation posts in the no-man's land. Spaceports are established paid for by all sides, but managed by the UN to help with expansion into other areas of the solar system.

2060 Yantuk a Japanese robotics corporation forms offering robots to all parties. The robots were originally built for under sea development, but could be easily converted to space use. The robots are large and are geared up to be used in mass terraforming. The federal government uses a small number of large terra formars, but for the smaller tasks use Cyber Apes as they are far cheaper than  the expensive smaller robots.

2065 Jade Green Enterprise  is formed. Offers help to anyone wishing to move to Mars. Nobody seems to be able to establish where the money comes from, but some philanthropy is assumed.

2067 Influx of pioneers needs control. UN starts Extra Planetary Authority (EPA).

2070 Colonies start up on Jupiter Moons.

2072 H+transhumanist start genetic manipulation to enhance people for space conditions.

2075 The Federal Government in an ambitious project create a fleet of colony ships. These self sufficient ships should be able to land and ‘become’ the colony. Money is borrowed to fund the project. Ships are sent to the large asteroids in the Mars \ Jupiter belt, and the moons around Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. This is seen as a large land grab similar to the incidents on Mars.

2080 Many colonies fail. Radiation sickness, loneliness, the failure of colonies to be self sufficient leave many ghost colonies. The Federal Government was relying on mining rights and the influx of minerals to pay for the original expansion. The loss of income sends the Government into turmoil. In desperation the Federal Government increases tax throughout all territories including Mars. The Colonial Alliance is formed from aggravated colonists. The first sighting of 'The Lost' in colonies and space ports.

2088 Thorn Corp form from an increasing need for defensive weaponry. 

2090 After many years of struggling. The Colonial Alliance on Mars declares independence from Earth. Support spreads to colonies backed by The People's Republic and Eurasian Union areas.

2091 The Federal Government sends a task force to quell problems on Mars.

2091 Ox Tech form supplying space vehicles from old ex-colony ships. Ships are refitted and repurposed. Ox Tech shipyards and base lay in the Asteroid belt.

2092-2100 Martian colonies invaded by Federal Government and goes under Martial Law. Leaders of Colonial Alliance move to colonies run by The People's Republic and Eurasian Union. The Chosen appear. The Colonial Alliance loses support and Mars returns to normal.

2095 BADC form supplying armaments to Mars. (And secretly to the Martian underground controlled by the Colonial Alliance)

2095-2105 Further better controlled expansion of the Solar System after lessons learned from the original expansion. Expansion is slower as each territory has its own unique challenges to overcome. (Radiation and gravitational stress around Jupiter, High velocity dust in the asteroid belt and rings of Saturn, iciness of many moons, etc)

2110 All planets have some colonies on themselves or their moons. Long range exploratory vehicle funded by Jade Green and Yantuk sent out. Run by robots with crew in suspended animation. Aim - to explore the Oort cloud and objects discovered between Pluto and Oort cloud including a brown dwarf. Three vehicles called the Beagle 3,4 and 5. Also known as Project Cerberus the three headed god.

2120 The Cerberus probes arrive. New era of space exploration. First asteroid trains sent back from Kuiper belt and Oort cloud. Cerberus starts mapping the many dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt.

2122 Jade Green move an large icy body from the ring  above one of Saturn's moon and creates the first artificial space platform. The icy rock is chosen as it contains a large amount of water and metals which can be mined. Similar platforms created around other bodies.

2123 First asteroid train arrives. Pushed into an orbit around Earth to return to Oort cloud.

2125 First Space raid using an old Freighter against a colony. Equipment and food stolen. This is seen as the first pirate attack.

2130 With the advent of cheaper ways to escape orbit and the use of asteroid trains, travel and transport of goods has become cheaper. Explosion of colonists and companies exploring system. EPA struggles to cope with migration and piracy.

2131 The Federal Government struggles to balance the books as waves of people try and live the American dream in the stars, encouraged to leave by years of heavy taxation.

2139 The secret XH+ Argo 7 array starts mapping the Kuiper Belt planets. This is a 100 satellite self sustaining array of robotic exploration vehicles. Some specialise in planet mapping, others form factories to build more Argo Array satellites and drones. No government or company claims responsibility, but evidence of several technological firms are present. New XH+ colonists arrive shortly afterwards.

2140 Eruption of violence on Mars in all colonies. The Federal Government has built up a list of ring leaders and arrest all. Some flee to other colonies. Special forces deployed to  Colonies to arrest without the mother state permission. Special forces intercepted and arrested.

2141 The Federal Government threatens The People's Republic and Eurasian Union for return of their special forces. UN abstains stating this to be a civil matter. War declared by People's Republic- starting with a blockade in and out of Mars. The People's Republic send their own special forces to break out prisoners arrested by the Federal Government including many Colonial Alliance ring leaders. The Mars Wars begin. The Eurasian Union stay out of the conflict evacuating personnel - but leaving civilians (They secretly supplies weapons to The Federal Government)

2145 First use of robots in Mars war used by all sides.

2146 Federal Government use enhanced space apes genetically altered for war. 

2150 People's Republic broker peace deal with Colonial Alliance. Start mining and supplying materials to Colonial Alliance.

2152 Federal Government shatter part of Mount Olympus on Mars by aerial bombardment using an asteroid against Colonial Alliance Base. UN in crisis. Try to quell the conflict by pushing sanctions on any corporation supplying any armed forces by any side. 

2155 Tortuga (pirate port) setup in Asteroid Belt. Pirates hired by all sides to supply troops and intercept supply chains of other factions to get around the sanctions. 

2160 Mars War ends. The Colonial Alliance is given Mars. Suprise support by many sides to give Mars back to the colonists. The Federal Government and Eurasian Union form a truce and decide to explore the rest of the system for resources and wealth. Mars left to Colonial Alliance with a large presence of the People's Republic and smaller UN force mainly in the remains of the Spaceports. Many Eurasian colonists felt betrayed by their government and join the colonial alliance.

2170 EPA takes on role of policing between the main settlements. Large colonies have their own force. EPA fills in the gaps where local policing cannot handle crime, taxation and immigration.

2184 Another wave of colonist start to expand into the Kuiper belt from all governments.

2185 - Current Timeline

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