Space DogS
People and Things
The Lost
Pioneers that have lost everything. Money, wealth, their business. They scrounge and steal on spaceports to survive. These were the original ExA - humans using experimental genetic improvements. Lack of access to medical treatment when far from civilisation, results in hair loss, pale skin and an ability to not be able to feel pain. Can be useful crew as their ailments are not infectious. Many
The Silent
Lost who have lost the power of speech, but have gained some persuasive and illusionary powers using pheromones. Make good infiltrators. Some extreme cases have the Silent lips pursed together, so they can only drink liquid food. Nobody knows if the loss of speech gained abilities are linked genetically.
The Chosen
Missionaries who look for spiritual guidance in the stars. Heavily tattooed, often bald they move from area to area looking for enlightenment. They make good healers and negotiators. Some are pilots or soldiers who have had an epiphany during conflict.
The Man-Titan
The Man-Titans are humans that have opted for cybernetic implants to enhance their strength. Some have gone to the extreme to increase the size of their bodies resulting 8 foot giant hulks mixing machine with human. It has been found that extending size to more than 8 foot causes organ failure especially during space acceleration - which has fortunately limited the size of such brutes.
Hemophiles (Vampires)
In 2014, scientists discovered that injected older mice with younger mice’s blood, improved the older mouse’s mental state significantly. Further developments proved that the same was true with the use of young human blood in older humans. Human mental and physical capacity improved for a few weeks, until the blood was cycled out of the body by natural processes. This created a new industry in human longevity products. The technology proved more difficult to master and eventually it was found that the longest stability came from the use of your own cloned blood. This was fine if you anticipated this, cloned your younger blood to use for the rest of your life - but other people took the option to steal blood or extract it fresh from the unsuspecting. These modern ‘vampires’ did not process the blood correctly and caused permanent damage to their bone marrow causing them to require a fresh supply or die. Due to all the problems the technology was banned - but the this did not deter the very rich (or the insane) from continuing the practice.
JarHeads (aka Jareds)
Ex-marines used as muscle on ships. Use a lot of performance enhancing RaSPberries to tone their carrot shaped bodies to go with their carrot tan. Hired by JGE, BADC, RSP to protect goods. Very vane. Unlike Man-Titans, they worship their bodies and will not use cybernetics. They do have a certain amount of genetic remodelling, causing muscle to protect like armour and higher bone density enabling them to take a lot of physical damage.
EPA-Law Enforcers
Security on most space ports and ships carrying government goods. Protect EPA, Ox-Tech, RSP goods. Also act to stop smugglers. Nice shiny uniforms and top of the range weapons.
Yantuk Bots
YCC/Yantuk transports are generally protected by sophisticated security systems. As the goods are non perishable, tend to be automated systems using YAC Bots for security and crew. Sometimes cyborgs are used, but using YAC Bots means no life support is needed and ships can operate at faster travel speeds that humans could not withstand. Come in many robot forms. Not used by other companies as are expensive compared to the cargo.
Slightly eccentric people in space suits of a patchwork design. Have lots of pockets and a variety of tools. Pioneers came to space to get away from rules and regulations only to find that the same rules and regulations keep them alive in space. Other sort religious freedom or have an urge to explore. Disgruntled or overly happy.
Space Pilots
Space pilots are cool (well to other space pilots anyway). There is always rivalry not only from trying to get contracts and deals to transport goods, but also how fast their ship is or how many times they have outrun the EPA or pirates during their career.
The years in space solitarily piloting cargo over months or years per trip from place to place along with the radiation exposure and bouts in cryo-tanks (on long haul journeys) causes certain character traits not too dissimilar from what Mad-Hatters and the first Emperor of China experienced due to long exposures to mercury. They see things;they hear things and quite often they shoot things.
Prey on others. Steal, pillage often in the guise of legitimate cargo transporters. Sometimes used by the various corporations to cause problems for the competition or steal technology. Depending on the price on their heads, there ship may be a patchwork of technologies and crew. Fortunately the eccentricities of pilots in general make them less likely to stand out in a crowd.
Weird Animals
Space and zero-g can do strange things to animals. Animals can grow larger on low gravity planets. Birds do not need such big wings and animals that were on the fringes of flight suddenly find themselves able to fly. These critters can cause problems:
The Whale Cow
People's appetites for burgers have now reached the stars. Being able to grow cows the size of houses have reduced food costs and the environmental impact of methane.
Lepgots (Large Leaping Lemur)
Lemurs leap on the unsuspecting traveller between craters. Large vicious and hungry.
Space Penguins.
an withstand the harsh climate and fly by launching themselves down hills to pick up speed, then kick up into the air. Sometimes ridden as a sport.
Moon Fish
Specially adapted fish that swim in the dust on moons. The low gravity mean dust act as a liquid and can be swum through. The fish can be aggressive and large.
Cyber Apes
Genetically enhanced apes used originally for simple tasks when terraforming planets. Radiation sickness meant cheaper to use disposable assets. Some go rogue into the wastes. Semi intelligent and can use tools and weapons.
Giant crabs and insects
Low gravity meant these animals grow to a large size and can become a serious problem inside as well as outside.
The Kraken
Legendary creature of unknown origin. There are many who have claimed to have seen it, but there is no scientific validation of its existence. Said to be extremely large and squid like in appearance. Some reports say it’s benign, others say hostile and destructive. If such a creature exists, the reports place it's most likely residence along the Kuiper Belt, where it is said to consume asteroids. It is the Loch ness monster of its day.