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Human Tech

High Gee Giraffe Suit (Flight Suit)

In 2013 a flight suit was developed based on the way blood flows through a giraffe. To support the blood flow up the long neck, valves stop the blood pressure increasing too rapidly which would cause the giraffe's head to explode every time the giraffe lowered its head. The technology was adapted into a flight suit which controls the blood flow around the pilot's body and enables pilots to withstand high gees of acceleration. In 2013 the suit could allow up to 10 gees, but over time this was increased to 30 gees. At 30 gees a spacecraft can accelerate and decelerate to reduce the time between planets to months rather than years. 

To get to Pluto 6,000,000,000 km away in a year would require a spacecraft to travel to 700,000km/hr. At 30 Gee 7 hours of acceleration gets you there. Many astronauts tend to go into stasis for the acceleration and deceleration stages of space flight.


Impact and Radiation Proof Clothing

Many countries allow people to carry guns. This has led to the necessity to protect oneself whilst walking around from \ to work and in social environments. The impact of projectile impact is spread across the clothing to reduce penetration and damage using special fibres that spread load. As well as the need to reduce the impact of projectiles, radiation needs to be reduced from weapons and the environment of much of the territories. Radiation is partially deflected by the use of reflective material and also partially absorbed and converted into other forms of less lethal radiation (like heat or light). The glow gives the impression of a shield around individuals. After repeated exposure the material degrades and needs to be replaced.



With low gravity and the risk of sudden changes of direction during flight, most colonists have magnaboots. These boots have a built in strong magnet in the heel and sole of the shoe or boot which sticks to metal. All ships, roads and buildings have metal or metallic  paint to enable the boots to stick. The boots have a small computer inside and sensors which controls when the boots magnets switch or on or off, so the colonists do not need to put too much pressure against the ground to be able to walk normally.



Microscopic machines have been developed since the earlier 21st century. Many have been developed for internal body usage. They have medical uses in targeting viruses and bacterial infections, increasing natural body regeneration processes and some use in reducing the effects of radiation.

The Exa-Transhumanist Movement have been at the forefront of research. There have been some clandestine weapons produced that use the machines to extrude from the body into spikes, toughening skin and conducting energy into a lethal discharge during fights.


Solar Net

Communications is of paramount importance to people. The internet has expanded throughout the Solar system and is referred to as the Solar Net. The Solar Net is maintained by millions of satellites that orbit planets, moons, asteroids and also have their own orbits around the sun. The solar net stretches to Pluto, but as you enter the Oort cloud communications become sketchy.


Mobie (Mobile Device)

Over the years the smart mobile phone has become smaller and more sophisticated. Telephone communication is probably the least used feature so the word phone has been dropped and the device is simple the ‘Mobile’ or ‘Mobie’. Mobie’s monitor all health, environmental, communications, entertainment and monetary transactional functions. People simply take what they want and the mobie deals with the situation. The mobie is permanently linked to the SolarNet. It is an offence to switch off your mobie in many cities.



iEyes are a small cover that is attached to the front of the eye. These covers are made from silicon and act as a HUD for the eye. The silicon does not affect the eye and becomes part of it. You can usually tell if somebody has such a cover as the material is translucent and the HUD can be seen faintly. Generally the iEye is connected to your mobie and simply acts as a screen. The mobie listens for voice commands to display what is asked for. There are some iEyes that have built in menus activated by eye movement, but are limited in functionality. One other iEyes feature is to enhance light to allow you to see in darkened conditions and also to block out sunlight.




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