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Death Match

Public Download

The free pre-beta version is available at

How To Install and start the Game

Download and unzip the latest zip from the pre-beta public location above. The main game is under SpaceDogs\SpaceDogsDM.exe

To run the game double click the exe.

You can play the game stand-alone (boring!) on an internal LAN or through steam.

To play through steam, you need to first add the game to steam. Instructions for this can be found here

When you start the game, one of the players sets up the server as follows:

  • Start game, select Multiplayer.

  • Select Host Game

  • Select DeathMatch or Team DeathMatch

  • Select Connection Mode -> Online. (Note change this to LAN if you want to play  on your local LAN)

  • Select Host DeathMatch

  • You will be taken to the lobby. Your friends can now look for your game as follows:

  • Start game, select Multiplayer

  • Select Server Browser

  • Select Refresh as necessary. If there are any servers running they will appear named. Select the correct server and join the game.


How To Play


Death Match Mode

Death match is a multi player game, played over your local area network (LAN) or through Steam. 


To set up the game in steam, extract the game into a folder.

Start Steam.

Goto the menu option Games, then select 'Add a non steam Game to my Library'

Browse your computer and select SpaceDogsDM.exe



Game Tactics

One of the main differences in Space Dogs DM is the use of inventory items to take out your opponents. There are several traps, automated turrets and grenades to use on top of the usual gun, rifle, launcher weapons. Traps, grenades and Turrets will attack anything in range, so placements is key. You can also sneak around using nano tech or enhance your armour.


The environment also plays a key role in taking out your opponent. Fuse-boxes launch electric discharges, buildings can collapse, vehicles and robots will defend themselves of attack if they patrol. Use the environment as much as you can to aid you.


The controls are listed below and can be customized. Fire cannot be remapped for some reason. If you use the same key for an already mapped action, the keys will swap around. Not all keys can be mapped to the gamepad due to the limits on a gamepad key availability. You may decide to swap some key mappings. 

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