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Ship Weapons and Armaments

Hysradar -

Radar system relying on the cosmic radiation background. Basically cosmic radiation travels in all directions. The further  from a star you are the more even the background becomes. Any motion in this cosmic radiation gives a shadow that the Hysradar can detect. Large objects like ships \ asteroids \ etc can easily be detected. Fast moving objects can also be detected, so is used to detect incoming missiles. Less effective near to high radiation emitting bodies like stars.



Incoming missiles can be detected by Hysradar and have largely become ineffective at range. Lasars are long range and instantaneous so have become the weapon of choice. The types vary (Masars, Lasars, Xasars) but all can have their effect reduced by shielding. Shields are basically a heavily ionised hull with reflective and refractive properties. This bounces the radiation away from the ship or dissipates the radiation into a less harmful version. It is expensive to run shielding all the time. The shields are generally run from the ships engines. The shields oscillate their frequency to deal with the various Lasar types. Shields show up on Hysradar like a Christmas tree, and heavily reduces a ship's ability to be stealthy.



There are various types

Laser - Uses Light. High energy. Causes hulls to melt. Not effective in high dust environments.

Maser- Uses microwave. Can penetrate dust, but stopped by water.

Xaser - Uses X Rays. Highly penetrating but does little against metal. Can be used on the crew of a ship as it penetrates hulls. Leaves the ship relatively unharmed.


Defensive lasers.

All ships link defensive lasers to the Hysradar to shoot incoming rockets and ordinance.



Only used at short range. Can be used to broadside a ship at close range.



Any ordinance that is ‘fired’. A very fast small object has as much impact as a slower large moving object.

Rail guns fire very fast metal bullets using magnetism to accelerate the bullets. Generally used against ships.

Other weapons fire uses traditional chemical propellants.

In some cases a large rock or space debris is accelerated towards a target head on. Used to bombard stationary or slow moving targets.



Mines are dropped from ships that are being followed. No electronics - generally explode on impact.


Ion Bombs

A high voltage charge is fired into dust, gas or other obstructing medium. The ionisation forces the low density material to move out of the way of approaching ships. Used to escape into nebulae or planetary rings. Can temporarily overload shields.


Grappling Hooks

Not strictly a weapon. Grappling hooks are used to toe debris, rocks or any other floating mass towards a ship. Generally used in salvage operations. Has been used to aid the boarding of ships or to trap ships leaving spaceports. Can be magnetic or physical hooks.



Very big grappling hook(s) that attach to asteroids, comets. Saves fuel as the ship is dragged behind the moving body. The process is usually to come along side the moving body, fire the anchor into the back or side, then switch off the engines to be pulled along. Same can be done to ships.

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