Space DogS
Space Dogs - The Game
It has taken hundreds of years for mankind to stretch out from mother Earth and conquer the interstellar reaches. Every planet, asteroid and moon shows the blemish of mankind’s reach - being exploited for individual, government and corporate gain. The stars are still just out of our grasp - but there is plenty of untapped resources to mine, bribe, steal and die for.
Choose a faction. Government, Privateer, Corporate lackey or one of the underground Cults that have sprung up around Sol and its surrounding territories. Will you succeed or die at the end of a laser canon.
Read about the Space Dogs Universe.
The universe is a blend of imagination and current technological advances. This world should be seen as possible future timeline without impossible technologies. Technologies have links to articles from the news and science community to give a sense of real immersion into the universe.
Space Dogs - Lore
Latest Project News
2nd April 2019 - Updated SpaceDogs to Unreal 4.21 and changed maps.
10th June - The Dark Watchers (Story) Updated Game with Fixes
7th May - Backstreet Sugar (Story)
15th April - The White Room (Story)
25th March 2018 - Game ported to Unreal 4.19
26th Dec - Footsteps in the Dust (Story)
5th Nov - Game ported to Unreal 4.18
6th June - Started SpaceDogsTactica
20th Apr - Somewhere near Mars (Story)
7th Mar - Tortuga (Story)
7th Feb - Chronology amended
4th Dec - Nanobots
16th Oct - Mercurian Antipodes
4th Oct - Comet Raiders (Story)
25th Sept 2016 - Welcome to Venus, Human Tech Pages (Stories)
Sept 2016 - Website launches