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Comet Raiders

Captain Secundus was watching the stars through the viewport as his crew assembled in the lounge. When the shuffling stopped he turned and addressed his crew.

“Landing is going to be tricky”

Secundus watched the crew of the Nimbus sitting around him. The ship pilot Bailout had his smart glasses and virtual gloves, so he could pilot the ship away from the bridge. Bailout had his usual brown leather flight jacket - an affliction he got from watching old second world war movies. From Bailouts glasses ghostly navigational and tactical number floated across the crew who were planning out the raid.

Secundus continued “The comet has several warehouses attached to it. Long range telemetry has highlighted a few hot spots were armaments have been hidden under the surface of the comet. I suspect when we come into range we will be targeted. Most of the hotspots are around the warehouse and to the rear, but there are none on the front of the comet. Usually you approach the comet to the rear as the front of the comet suffers impacts which may trigger the armaments. As the comet nears the Sun, the radiation causes a large amount of out-gassing which we can use to mask our approach. The warehouses will be collected as the comet nears Mars. Any later and the Sun’s radiation will fall on the warehouses.”

“It will be bumpy” commented Bailout. “The ship can handle it The outgassing is mostly dust and water vapour plus the occasional rock that the comet has picked up on its travels.”  

Gabbs the tactical infiltrator spoke up. “But those hotspots will still take shots at the ship as we approach”

“Yes” nodded Secundus. “We will plan to land just out of range of the hot spots.”  

“By land you mean…” asked Gabbs

“Use the harpoons to attach ourselves since the gravity is to weak. We can also use thrusters to embed ourselves into the comet until we are ready to approach.”

“... and we get rid of the hot spots with…” continued Gabbs

“A small Ground Force will take those out” finished Secundus.

“By ground force …”

“You, Korky and Skeyes”

Secundus smiled. “Once the hot spots are taken care of we will approach and liberate the cargo. Yes and liberate does mean Steal.”

“What about any other resistance?” asked Gabbs

“There is a small force in the warehouses, but I do not think they will interfere once the hotspots are taken care of and we have Nimbus pointing her armaments at them. Not worth dying for the salary you get.”

“But just incase we have any heroes, the ground force will use persuasion and coercion to remove any heroic thoughts.

Secundus lifted the cloth over the table next to him. Under the cloth was a small grenade launcher and plasma thrower.

“Meet persuasion and coercion.” he smiled.

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