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Single Player 


Download from the Google App Store - Search for 'Trials of Theseus' or click on


Play Online at




Platform game.

Use left right arrows to move left and right.

Up key (Space on pc) to jump. 

Attack key (V on pc) to fight.



Press Chest button on HUD to see current quest

Press Pause to pause game

Press Pray button to display favours earned from the Gods


Press attack to attack monsters and open chests. You need to time it, so that you hit the monster or chest as the sword comes down.

How to play


You need to free each God from their prison. Some Gods require you to kill a boss monster. Others are quests which require you to find items.


Monsters can be attacked by jumping on them or using your attack when you are next to them. Fast moving monsters are difficult to attack and are best to jump on. Killing monsters give you mana.

Each boss Titan has a way to kill them. Look out for wise men, who will give you hints on what to do.

To move around use your movement keys and jump. Platforms take you around the screen.

Boxes can be smashed by head butting them - but be careful as you may need them to find items. Boxes give you mana.

Chests are opened by attacking them when moving towards them.

Coins are found around each map and can be used to buy health, mana or purchase powers released when you release the gods.

Powers require mana to use. Do not use your powers needlessly.

Look for an exit on each level to progress. Some exits will be locked until you complete a task on the level.

You are up against the clock. If you run out of time, you will lose a life.

You can buy health and mana at the Healer between levels.


Closed Chest

Move towards and attack to Open

Gold Chest

Gold chests increases your gold.

Mana Chest

Mana chests increase your mana.

Surprise Chest

After a second the surprise appears


The chest was trapped and you loose a life


Keys are needed to complete certain levels


An extra life

Double Jump

Press Jump again to jump again in mid air. Some items and levels can only be progressed using double jump. 


Shield can be accessed via the pray icon on the HUD. It will activate for 10 seconds and consume mana when activated. It will protect you from some monsters by killing them.

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